
郡山の駅に和幸があった。 私は和幸が大好きだ。 せっかく郡山にきているので、他ではお目にかからないような料理に手を出してみたかったが、次の予定まで時間がなかったので安定の和幸にした。 そこでは非常に感心させられた出来事があった。 一人の女性ア…


久ノ浜の食堂にて 福島県の久ノ浜にあるとある食堂で昼食をいただいた。 木が印象深い切妻屋根の妻入りの一軒家だ。 カツカレーと餃子を注文した。 家庭的な味がして、外食をしているのだが、どこかアットホームな感じがして居心地が良かった。 初めて来た私…


正月休みに帰省した。 久しぶり(といっても約5ヶ月ぶり)に帰った我が家、家族、そして慣れ親しんだ街並みは、おそらく住処としていなかったお陰かとても強く心に響いた。 同時に早く帰りたいとも強く思った。 私の心は結局何を求めているのだろうか? 遠く離…


あと5分で新しい眼鏡が出来上がる。 今はその眼鏡店の隣にあるカフェで時間を潰している。 今年は変革の年としたい。 昨日のブログでも記したようにまずは、大きな二つの目標を必ず達成する。 新しい眼鏡と共に自分自身も生まれ変わる。 眼鏡をその証として…


久々の更新だ。 最近はブログを始めた当初に比べて毒のある気分はなく、前向きに生きる方法を模索しながら努力することに決めている。 色々と経験して、生きるってなんだと思ったら努力することだと思えてきた。 仕事が終わり、休日を迎えた時、その休日をほ…


なんというか自分の何もしてこなかった人生を時々虚しく感じることがある。 それは友人が第一志望とした企業に就職していたり、何らかの大きな賞を受賞していたりすることを契機として起きる。 そんな形に惑わされるなという声も上がるかもしれないが、それ…


私は小さい頃はひどく家族に迷惑をかけた。 今ではそれが大きな後悔であり、なぜあんなことをしてしまったのかと何度も悩み、涙が溢れてくる。 もちろんそんなことを悩んでいるところで何も解決はしないことはもう分かっている。 だから、大事なことはこれか…

kind boss

Today my boss who works as a pair with me has been changed. He is so smart and reply to me if I have some difficulties and I ask him about those questions. some book says that we should acquire non verbal information on our own. If not, we…

Keep good relationship with money

Just to be on the safe side, I've been done household bookkeeping. However, I didn't do that from the latter half of June to the full of July because I was into the stage of ennui. Although I've restarted the bookkeeping and checked curren…


My concentration soon after Obon which is unique vacation in summer as you may know was horrible. Originally, my concentration has not been lasting for long time, however, I know my current one was much worse than one before Obon. But now …

Let's lose weight!

In these days, Fat put on my waist has been bothering me. Although it didn't almost matter, the fat on my lower abdomen is terrible probably because of getting older. I've been reading a book which name is "THE BULLETPROOF DIET" since June…

What's my own ability ?

A few days ago, one friend, who went to same cramming school with me, got married with his girlfriend. Another friend, who was in same status as stated above, was awarded a prize of some international conference as great presentation. How …

new software

I finally bought a software for painting.It's the clip studio paint pro!Originally I have used a software SAI.As you may know the SAI is also good and affordable.But the clip studio paint pro is far more useful and has much function for pa…


I burst out crying suddenly when I aware of love from someone.And today I did cause my father and mother came and took a trip with me all the way.Then they gave me love.I cried.I resisted but couldn't.Love is the most beautiful medicine fo…


I'm so disgusted when I talk to someone who is self esteem.Why can't they think and listen to opinions of others?What human beings are is apt to find someone more foolish than them, I guess.It's so sad...As long as we have that kind of tho…


It is often difficult for someone to decide which way should I go to.And it becomes more difficult in the case of big problem.Umm how should I do this?Which way should I go to?In these days I have thought that from time to time.But I could…

stand by me

In these days, some tune has always been in my head.It's stand by me covered by Florence which is the theme song of FF15.Her voice is so clear and move my heart.And also, back music instruments are so gorgeous.I wanna listen to the full ve…



what a awful town here is

Currently I don't like this town.So I wanna get out of here asapSo where I go ?Of course I wanna go back my hometown.Because it's place where I can enjoy my life surely.The reason is due to my family, friends and so forth.Anyway this town …


Now I'm in some karaoke shop.It's good way for getting rid of my stress to sing loudly.But, as do so, it comes to be difficult for me to sing loudly cause my throat become to be bad condition.So new stress comes lol















